A Bathroom Dialogue

(parenthesis indicate comments added afterwards not included in the original dialogue)

The Origin of "God" 
"In the beginning there was nothing, then the nothing became aware that it was nothing and became SOMETHING." Hmm..You are nothing, but with awareness arises something. Sounds kind of neat, aye? Whoa nelly.

But nothing isn't anything, it doesn't exist so it can't do anything. It isn't even an "it." So by definition, nothing cannot become aware. To become aware it has to be something. But nothing can become something and something can become aware. So, in the beginning there was nothing, then there was something, and then it became aware. (so what is this process by which nothing becomes something? a little waving of the hands and poof? perhaps it is the act of becoming aware...)

Ok hmm...so let's see here. (one interpretation of quantum physics) basically says that nothing really exists until it is observed. Other than that Q.M. says, electrons for example, merely have a "tendency" or "probability" of existing at some location. So before awareness or an act of measuring, whatever you want to call it, an electron is a "no thing" and when observed it becomes something...

Yes, but that's us becoming aware of it's existence, not it becoming aware of itself. What I'm saying is that you have to exist when you become aware, you can't become aware and then exist. Plus, awareness doesn't even define existence. Something can exist without becoming aware.

But what is it? Isn't it us? We're all made of the same fundamental particles, so isn't "it" becoming aware of itself? Not just people but everything in general (even humans had to evolve into a state of self- awareness). Even though most things don't have brains to become aware in a humanly sense, everything has some sort of sensiing mechanism. If not that, then on a subatomic level, particles can sense each other by one or more of the four forces. Hmm, so where was I going... oh ya, so if these "things" can sense each other or in other words, have some level of awareness or consciousness, then it would seem that awareness and existence happen simultaneously. So then...go all the way back 15 billion years or so to the Big Bang. Things start to get a little hairy...So scientists are on a quest to find "the theory of everything." It is theorized that in the very early universe (say t=10^-45s) all the four known forces were one, a very dense, hot, and indistinguishable goo of whatever. So as the universe starts to cool, these forces appear and the beginning of some kind of universeal consciousness arises...Now as to why...I HAVE NO IDEA! Is there a beginning? Or is it something humans made up? Ahh! I dunno! Endless cycles upon cycles?

To be or not to be, that is the question (nicely put).

Ok, so if you define awareness as you have then awareness and becoming something or existence, happen at the same time. But nothing still cannot become aware.

Weee ooou weee ooou. So then by that, nothing does not exist, hence "nothing." On the other hand I was thinking, "strawberry fields, nothing is real." So if nothing is real, we are not, says the Beatles. We don't exist but nothing does. So why do we exist? Because we think we do. Maybe. I dunno. It all depends on how you look at it. This is fun. Maybe nothingness is a state of mind.

So it comes to the end of another cycle. I will miss this bathroom and all who sat on this toliet.