New Orleans and 311 Day 2014

I am still trying to digest the total experience of 311 Day and New Orleans. I’ve touched back on UK soil, had maybe 4 hours of on and off sleep since March 12th (it’s March 13th now) and I feel good. Save for the fact that when I went to go take a shower I went in, washed my face and totally forgot the other bits. Suffice to say I had to go back for a second shower. 

As ‘they’ say, what happens in New Orleans.. some of it might stay in New Orleans, some might ooze out and affect the next course of one’s life, some may be a fond recollection whilst recollecting, some may [fill in the blank here]. 

My first impressions of New Orleans was that it had a particular smell and I wasn’t sure how to feel walking around on my own. Most random strangers that talked to me were rather complimentary and friendly on the surface, but I kept my guard up for something darker that seemed to be lurking beneath the surface. This definitely made New Orleans to be one of the most interesting places I’ve ever been to.

The neighborhood where my B&B was turned out to be hipsterville. I’ve never seen so many hipsters per square block. The cafes had them pouring out of them. Hipsters, hipsters, hipsters overload. That’s all I have to say. Then about 2 blocks the other way, the landlord said, ‘Don’t go over there.’

Transportation by bike was definitely the best way to get around for me. I was able to see about 4 times more of New Orleans (ok, maybe the same bits about 4 times over) and I felt better about going around on my own.

The first couple of days were rather subdued in terms of 311age as no one in my B&B had a clue about them. But that was ok as there is more to life than 311 (shocker!) and I had a jolly good laugh with the people I met. 

The real 311 stuff started at the fan party and I knew it was going to be a night when a chance encounter happened. I’ll save those memories for the parties involved and not bore anyone else with the details. 

In summary, the things I learned in New Orleans: 
You can get piss roaring drunk and then feel still somewhat human the next morning if you just take loads of B vitamins. 
Always turn around when you hear someone shouting your name.
If you’re already pretty drunk and you order 8 bottles of beer for 2 people, they’re going to be hard to drink, so give them to others as they will be very grateful for it. 

So what about the actual concert? 
It was fun. Lots of songs. Lots of other cool stuff. I was in the pit 3 people deep, just right from center. I must say that I had a lot of room to move for being so close and I wasn't covered in sweat by the end of the 5 hours. Definitely the mildest pit I've ever been in. Must be due to the average age of a 311 fan rising year on year. :P

If you were there I probably don’t need to explain myself too much and if you weren’t, you’re probably not reading this. But I will list the main highlights anyway and link to a youtube video where I can find one:

Particularly enjoyed hearing Damn (Almost certain Nick messed up some lyrics), Bomb the Town, Little Brother. I remember after Bomb the Town Mike and I turned to each other and said at exactly the same time, “That was awesome." Enjoyed the classics like Freak out, FTBS, Do you right, Visit, Unity, Welcome, Feels so good, all the songs I would associate with a standard rockin’ set. Not really that fussed that they didn’t play Down or Amber like some people were, but fuck, did they not play Homebrew? Setlist says no. 

A few things about SA:
SA has awesome facial hair.
I’m inspired to learn how to dance like SA. I want to learn the SA moves so I can bust them out whenever the music moves me. When I watch him I always end up trying to mirror his moves, not sure if I succeed in any way, but at least I try. Just go with the flow..

I am particularly pleased with the fact that the album was released while in New Orleans as now when I ever listen to the album I can be transported back to that time. Like when I listen to Soundsystem I can go back to the time I hung out with Troy Somethingorother, one of 311‘s friends/photographer people. We went to the beach to smoke pot and we listened to Soundsystem before it was out. I remember we met in a Vons parking lot and then I got in his car. I was 18 and he was probably in his late 20s/early 30s. To any outsider that might sound like some dodgy business, but it was completely innocent.  It was also around the time when I went on a mini-road trip to Omaha and surrounding area and ended up running into the band on a couple of occasions. 

Good times and lots of memories that I don’t take for granted. This is why I keep coming back. It’s a hell of a ride to be on and to still be able to do this sort of thing when I’m supposed to be some sort of adult is pretty awesome. So what of the next adventure? I went thinking it might be my last, but you never know with these things, I like to keep fluid so I won't be closing this chapter quite yet. 

Link to my flickr images of new orleans to come next...