
My dating profile

I'm looking for someone with a passion for life and wonderment. Someone mentally mature who has been through the trials of life, but has maintained the childlike zest and playfulness that I share.

Someone who understands what I do on a day to day level would be nice, so as not to be completely bored by the answer to the traditional, 'how was your day dear?' that might become a discussion if we were to progress to that next level.


Today I felt how an orgasm is like a supernova. Inside reactions are taking place. Things are heating up and pressure builds on the inside. When a balance of forces can no longer be sustained, the core contracts and then releases energy in a big burst. 

After the initial burst there is then an afterglow. The core is no longer fusing energy. 

Unlike a dead star the human regenerates and rebuilds so that one is able to burst and die again. It's reliving a cosmic wonder on a human scale.

A Story of Creation from This Localized Brain

The Alleged Sex Lives of Prominent Scientists

Kepler : Bathed once in his life and it made him sick. Lost his virginity at age 21 and it made him sick.

Newton : Virgin all his life.

Jesus gossip

What a hokey story this is, check it this guy was engaged this chick right, but then he found out that she's been whoring around and got pregnant, so he decides to call off the engagement. but then that night he has a dream with some wierd voice calling itself "the lord" telling him that its this guy lord's baby and he needs to call this baby for some reason he changes his mind and marries the chick anyways and adopts the son even though its some other guy's who doesn't even pay child support.

Continuous life

why I think like I do



its all there

I feel what they feel

I understand

that's how I come to this understanding

and the sex thing

women are very different when it comes to that

I saw a talk show the other day

about wives losing their sex drive

and how a lot of women are suffering from this

as I see it

there's still something missing

and what I think that is

is the drive to keep growing spiritually