
I hate everyone and everything

I hate everyone and everything. I just want to be alone. I’m not depressed, I’m pretty fuckin’ happy. If you saw me writing this in a coffee shop you’d think I might be a nice girl, and you would be right. I am a nice fucking girl, but with all the bullshit in the world sometimes you can’t help but think, “bloody hell.” I’m just as guilty as anyone to have created as much shit as you.


Online diaries are hard to keep. Especially when one takes a long hiatus from working on their website. So, what the fuck am I am up to now? Is saying FUCK too harsh? Well I llike to sometimes, I think it's humorous. Anyways, I've been working a whole lot which is kind of annoying. I want to finish my thesis already. But then what? Ok, well if I get into grad school in England I'm going there. If not, I'm off to Peru for a year. Does anyone want to take care of the cutest siamese cat for a bit?

Continuous life

why I think like I do



its all there

I feel what they feel

I understand

that's how I come to this understanding

and the sex thing

women are very different when it comes to that

I saw a talk show the other day

about wives losing their sex drive

and how a lot of women are suffering from this

as I see it

there's still something missing

and what I think that is

is the drive to keep growing spiritually