Her Stories


We are all these women.

Seek things new, adventurous, exciting.

We are all insecure, seeking, curious, sexual, sensual.

Sorry to have put the negative one first, but I think it’s something we all struggle with.


I’ve had to keep on going.

Today I did a body combat session on youtube. I started crying halfway through it. I kept going and cried a couple of more times.

What the fuck.

I’m divorcing my husband and I’m doing the best that I can. I am in a relationship that I couldn’t be happier in. I wasn’t looking to fall in love with someone after only 3 months of moving away from my ex, but I think I probably fell in love within the first month of knowing him.

Interlude 2

I’ve been doing well, but my soul hurts today.


Leah spotted him across the bar. Posh place this was and he didn't really fit in. Everyone was in small groups during their adventurous Thursday night out. He kept his jacket on and zipped up all the way, standing at the bar with what she thought was a cider. She saw him drink the end of one and saw him order another. Alcohol goes straight to the head especially if you haven't eaten in awhile. The first pint she had was only half gone and was starting to make her feel fuzzy inside.

Facing Myself

An honest dialogue with the self is a beautiful thing. When there is pain it will seek to heal. One must embrace the pain or else it will remain terrifying.

“Dialogue with others is often empty and mind numbing, it’s sometimes intellectually stimulating (usually when I’m drunk) and rarely emotionally charged. I do admit that it’s hard for me to express my true emotions as I will either seem uneasy and nervous or falsely detached and cold. This is an indication that I have yet to face myself entirely.”